Saturday, December 31, 2005

Week in training 12/25-12/31

Started out really well, but ended in a disappointing blah.

Monday - 3 miles, felt really fast. also did some upper body weights
Tuesday- 4.6 miles on the eliptical, planned 5 but a migraine decided it wanted to visit.
Wednesday- still recovering from migraine
Thursday - planned rest day
Friday - another migraine, weee!
Saturday- more recovering, sucks.

Total 7.6 miles, very sad.

I'm thinking my migraines could be brought on by chocolate, ate my weight in chocolate this week, hehe. Or could have something to do with my chronic sinusitis. My sinuses hate me again this week. I am going to try and see a new dr next week, we'll see what happens.

Happy New Year everyone!!!


Kermit~the~Frog said...

Just letting you know I'm here and reading. I lettered in track in high school but since injuring my back I'm no longer allowed to run. Enjoying this blog, though!

QueenMeadow said...

Aww, thanks :) I'm sorry about your back, that sucks! I hope it doesn't cause too many problems for ya.