Sunday, February 05, 2006

Injuries suck!

I started experiencing pain in my foot about 3 weeks ago. I figured that my old shoes were just too worn out, but I was planning on getting new ones so I just cut back my mileage a bit in hopes that nothing would get worse. Got my new shoes, woot! But the foot pain got much worse :(

Luckily my landlord/neighbor is a podiatrist. So I went to see him and he says my facia, or whatever the name of the tendon in my arch is called ;), was hurt. So he taped up my foot and said no running, waah. I am going on vacation (Vegas baby!) so I wont be able to see the dr again until friday, the 10th.

I'm pretty bummed out, but hope that a week or two off of running will take care of everything and I can jump back in to training and still get to run the planned marathon. I started taking a spinning class in hopes of keeping up my aerobic capacity.

In other words, blah blah blah, don't run and try not to go crazy in the meantime.


Linsey Farley Jameson said...

Dang I hope your foot feels better. Maybe it justs needs a vacation too. Have fun!

Lee said...

I hope you get to feeling better. Good for you for keeping up the aerobic activity!

MusicalMom said...

How did your appointment go?