Friday, June 16, 2006

The power of words....

Hearing "I can't find a sitter for tonight." Just ruins the whole day :( Especially after 5 days of no husband and very little help with the kidletts, not to mention very little sleep, lol.

Then hearing the magical words "sweetie, my dad is coming over to watch the kids." Just lifts the spirit and starts the body happy dancin'. Woot!! I get to go see Nacho Libre, for free, without kids!!!


sheri said...

Woot! is right!!! We just went to see Nacho Libre for free last night too! (and mil babysat, so free babysitting as well) It was HILARIOUS!!! Seriously peed my pants.
And did you get to see the previews for the Will Farrell race car movie coming out in July? Oh man...CAN'T WAIT!

QueenMeadow said...

I absolutely loved the movie!!! just what I needed :) and yes, i saw the preview I'm so excited for the Will Farrel movie too, woohoo!!

treadmill running, even stairs running will help with hills. I have no problem finding hills by me, lol. I hope to run the St. George marathon next year, we'll see.

Anonymous said...

enjoy! i expect a full report.

QueenMeadow said...

Is there anywhere he can drive to for a long run here and there that has hills? like a place with trails or something.

I love running hills! so satisfying once you get to the top, lol.