I think I have a sympathy migraine because of Sheri's return of migraines. Excedrine migraine usually works fairly well for me, for the pain anyway. But I was at the grocery store when this one hit and I had to wait bout 40 minutes before I was able to take any meds. They aren't really helping this time :(
I guess its time to go back to the doctor and ask for samples of meds again. I need to find one that works for me. If anyone has any nausea tips, I'd appreciate them. I don't usually throw up but I get super nauseus, which sucks.
There go my plans for doing laundry, cleaning the bathroom and writing a paper today, sigh.
Sorry, Meadow! How are you feeling today?
Thanks Val. I'm almost normal today :) My kids and husband were huge helps yesterday so I was able to rest most of the afternoon/evening, which helped a ton :)
lots of water. that is my tip. doesn't cure things, but does help me with my nausea. migraines suck. sorry, meadow.
Thanks Sabe, I did drink tons of water and it seemed to help a bit. I guess your "drink lots of water" vibes got to me ;)
Migraines stink! Sorry you're suffering. Usually 2 excedrin migrane with a Dr. Pepper chaser kills mine if I get to it early enough- but if I don't then I'm screwed!
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