Last friday, Stu and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. Well, celebrated is the wrong word. He worked and then I worked so we only saw each other for about an hour that day, lol. But thats ok, thats why we went to Vegas in March :).
I love you, my silly...
sometimes hairy...
and always handsome...
husband. May we have many more wonderful years to share together.
p.s. I should have some really exciting news to share in the next week or so, stay tuned....
p.s.s. Just kidding, no new news yet. Just trying to get ya to stay tuned ;)
Omigosh... now everybody's gonna know what I look like!!!
Ah well, guess I'll live.
Happy Anniversary!
(did something come undone?), that would be terrifying and not exciting ;)
LOL Meadow!
Happy belated anniversary!!! :)
Happy anniversary :)
Err...happy anneversary last friday. I think you are a jerk for not telling me while we were on the IM. Selfish, I tell you you are. SEL-FISH!
Just kidding. Hope the millions come rolling in soon so you can get into your house, and give me a loan!
hehe, if I get millions (plural) I'll give ya somethin'!!
I'm tuned! Lol!
Happy A!
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