Monday, December 18, 2006


We usually don't get that much snow at my house, atleast not at once. This pic was taken Sunday morning after two days of off and on snow.

And this is what happens when your 4 year old is so excited to play in the snow. He runs outside and falls down the cement steps. The goose egg is ginormous. The pic doesn't do it any justice. Poor kid.


Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Holy OUCH!

Heidi said...

Oh Meadow!!!! Your poor little boy!!!

Rachelle said...

Yay for snow, but ouch! Your poor boys head!

frugalmom said...

Ouch, I hope he is healing!

sheri said...

and jealouse of the snow

Gina said...

Oh my that hurts just looking at it. I am glad that same snow storm didn't result in any goose eggs at our house.