Saturday, July 07, 2007

Not surprised.

Online Dating

I said suck, one time (well, now twice) and that was the only "bad" word, ha.

Go here to see how your blog rates.


Lena said...

Mine was G too! Not that I'm surprised...

Lei said...

Lol! I gotta take this quiz... I see it popping up all over the blogosphere!

Lei said...

ok - i did it... also rated G. I said pain 5 times and death once. Rofl! I am freaking morbid, rated G or not. ;)

QueenMeadow said...

rofl, pain and death, giggle.

Anonymous said...

I got a PG for the word "gun" (5x) and "shoot" (1x). I'm evil.

Kind of weird that it missed all the f-bombs I've used.

Amber said...

I'm G as well. No bad words were found. (whew!)

Life ticks on said...

Meadow long time no see... I got a PG! I had abortion once and bomb twice. So I am a sinner! haha Anyways glad I found you again...

QueenMeadow said...

Amy!! glad to "see" you, don't stray far ;)

g said...

I'm a G, too, but I got busted for saying "hurt" once! LOL