Saturday, May 02, 2009

happy birthday LittleMan

My baby is 7, where did the time go? His birthday was on my last day of the semester, with the final that I have been dreading. I took the easy way out and let him decorate the cake, which means I'm the most awesome mom ever, hehehe.

This is his "what? it's my cake, I can do what I want!" look, lol. (and yes, that is my saggy butt behind him, hehe)

And the promised missing tooth shot from long ago :)


Char @ Crap I've Made said...

He's 7??? Holy. Crap.

Happy birthday!

Unknown said...

OH!! I love it! Madison's birthday is on Monday, I may have to be cool and let her do her own cake too. Would it be too much if I told her she "could" also make it?

Heather said...

Well we all KNEW you were the best mom EVER, duh!
Great idea I will steal it:P
Happy Birthday Little Man!!!!!